SLTMobitel LankaQR Offer

Mobitel Offer
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Get rewarded with FREE 5GB Data, 300 M2M calls and SMS when you make eBill payments using LANKAQR certified apps!

LANKAQR සහතික ලත් apps භාවිතයෙන් eBill ගෙවීම් කර නොමිලේ 5GB දත්ත, 300 M2M ඇමතුම් සහ SMS සමඟ ත්‍යාග ලබා ගන්න!

5 GB Free data with with 300 M2M Minutes & 300 M2M SMS will be provided to SLT-Mobitel Mobile customers those who perform payments by scanning the LankaQR on the ebill using any payment Mobile App certified by LankaQR , for a cumulative transaction value of Rs 1,000 and above during a calendar month.


  • 5GB Data
  • 300 M2M Minutes
  • 300 M2M SMS

These ebill transactions can be done via any certified mobile app of LankaQR member institutions such as

  1. SLT-Mobitel
  2. BOC
  3. Cargills Bank
  4. Commercial Bank
  5. LB Finance
  6. SDB
  7. DFCC
  8. NSB
  9. Sampath Bank
  10. NDB
  11. LOLC Finance
  12. Seylan Bank

– Offer is valid till 31st August 2022.
– The offer is only applicable to the Mobitel Postpaid customers.
– Minimum transaction value is Rs.1,000/-

More details –

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