නිදහසේ meetings කරන්න ඇති තරම් Data ලබාදෙන ඔබට වාසිදායක ම SLT Data Package එක මෙන්න!
Meet Data Bundles are specifically designed for online collaboration application users to offer economical data usage. Now you can use any of the below platforms under Meet data bundles without consuming from your standard data bundle, Extra GB or Bonus Data.
This is SLT’s newest initiative to support work & study from home and your business continuity over virtual platforms.
Below platforms are entitled to Meet data bundles. Meet subscriber can fully utilize all platform features under Meet data bundle while continuing with other online activities.
Data Bundles
Bundle Name | Meet Lite | Meet Max |
Data | 30 GB | 100 GB |
Charge (Rs.) | 195.00 | 490.00 |
How to Activate
Few methods to activate SLT Work and Learn packages.
1. Activate through MySLT App

Download MySLT App Now

2. MySLT Web Portal හරහා – https://myslt.slt.lk/

3. SLT ක්ෂණික ඇමතුම් අංකය ඇමතීමෙන්
SLT Hotline 1212
4. SLT ස්වයංක්රීය ඇමතුම් සේවාව ඇමතීමෙන්
How to Pay
Meet Bundles add to the monthly bill.
Validity Period
Data bundle is valid for 30 days and no time bands applicable.
Terms and Condition
Packages entitled for the data bundle as follows.
- All time-based packages
- All anytime packages
– At the start of your billing cycle, Meet Data Bundle will consume first for these applications. In case of full utilization of the Meet data bundle, the package data bundle, Extra GB, or Bonus Data will come into effect.
– Your Meet Data Bundle might not be counted due to the following reasons. Considering the below reasons we cannot ensure that the usage added to the Meet Data bundle.
When this package expire?
SLT Learn and Study package is auto renewal. Valid for 30 days.