Go easy, store easy with SLTMobitel Eazy Storage!
SLT Cloud Storage සමඟින්, ඔබේ බ්රෝඩ්බෑන්ඩ් දත්ත පරිභෝජනය නොකර ප්රමාණයෙන් විශාල ගොනු සහ ෆෝල්ඩර සියල්ල ගබඩා කර තබා ගන්න.
Upload & store all your heavy files and folders safely without consuming your Broadband data, with improved cloud storage & sharing facility.
Register online, visit: https://storage.slt.lk/portal/register

File size doesn’t matter anymore. Now you can share your photos, videos, and files with family and friends without any file size limitation.