Mobitel Nonstop Lokka 520 Package

MOBITEL Nonstop Lokka
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Mobitel Nonstop Lokka සමඟින් ඔබේ ප්‍රියතම apps 9ක් සඳහා ඔබට අවශ්‍ය තරම් අසීමිත දත්ත ලබා ගන්න!

Package Benefits

Mobitel Non-Stop Lokka is a content based package which provides you Non-Stop access to 9 apps and additional 2GB (1GB Anytime+1GB 4G Only) for Just Rs.520.

Allowed 9 apps

  1. YouTube
  2. Facebook
  3. Instagram
  4. LinkedIn
  5. Twitter
  6. WhatsApp
  7. Viber
  8. IMO
  9. FB Messenger

Additional 2GB (1GB Anytime+1GB 4G Only)

How to Activate Mobitel Nonstop Lokka

You can activate this by below methods,

  1. Via SMS – Send 9IN1 to 160
  2. Via Reloading Rs.520 for Prepaid
  3. Via DataMart or Self-care Apps
  4. Via USSD #170# > Content Based Plans > Mobitel Non-Stop Lokka

Package Validity

Prepaid – 30 days
Postpaid – Auto renewal with Billing Cycle date

How to Check Data Balance

Prepaid – type DB and send to 160 or 7678
Postpaid – type Usage and send to 4567

Also Balance can view on DataMart and Selfcare apps

How to Disable Package

Type HD 9IN1 and send to 160 (only for prepaid)

How to Enable Package Again

Type FREE 9IN1 and send to 160 (only for prepaid)

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