ඔබගේ ප්රියතම චිත්රපට, ක්රීඩා, සමාජ මාධ්ය, ඉගෙනීමේ සහ නිවසේ සිට වැඩ කිරීමේ යෙදුම් සහ තවත් බොහෝ දේ භුක්ති විඳීමට නොනවතින ඉන්ටනෙට් සම්බන්දතාවය අත්විඳින්න.
With Hutch cliQ, You only pay for a time period purchased and not by Data quota!
Experience non-stop browsing to enjoy all your favorite Movies, Games, Social Media, Work & Learn from Home Apps & many more.
Package Benefits
cliQ 4G Packages
Package | Price | FUP Limit |
1 Hour | 41 | |
2 Hours | 77 | |
2 Days | 190 | 7.50 GB |
4 Days | 324 | |
7 Days | 632 | 15 GB* |
10 Days | 724 | 15 GB |
15 Days | 889 | 20 GB |
30 Days | 1586 | 35 GB |
*Average speed of experience before FUP limit is 10 Mbps and after 1 Mbps
cliQ 3G Packages
Package | Price | FUP Limit |
15 mins | 17 | 350 MB |
30 mins | 27 | 350 MB |
1 hour | 32 | 350 MB |
4 hours | 53 | 1.50 GB* |
1 Days | 86 | 1.5 GB |
2 Days | 157 | 3.5 GB |
7 Days | 383 | 6 GB |
10 Days | 507 | 6 GB |
15 Days | 650 | 15 GB |
30 Days | 1,303 | 30 GB |
*Average speed of experience before FUP limit is 3 Mbps and after 1 Mbps
How to Activate
To activate these packages need to have cliQ apps on your mobile and follow a 1 minute registration process. .
Download Now

Once you have signed in, you simply need to cliQ the plan of your choice to purchase.

– Pre Paid customers will be charged from your prepaid account balance, while the charges for Post Paid will be added to your monthly bill.
– Multiple packs can be purchased and the purchased duration will be accumulated.
Old Packages Prices